Once I saw by chance the desk of Dannunzio, just as it was with all of his everyday things and simple objects….so I asked myself, “ what would the desk of a famous musician such as Verdi look like?” Dedicated to Verdi.
Memories, dreams and all of our fantasy are like the photographs that remain impressed on slightly yellowing paper. It doesn’t matter if the camera that took them was perfect or modern … what matters is that these dreams and memories are fixed in our minds as well as on the paper. These are the cameras of my fantasy…
Often the most beautiful stories of our life cannot be told and the page on which we write remains forever blank!
Dedicated to all who have art and fantasy in their hands ….dedicated to all of those who with a string of cotton and lots of patience, make works of art.
Who in their life has not been a student for a while?! … a memory of time that never seemed to pass, even though often it felt like there was never enough time! I remember that long corridor that never seemed to end…and that mountain of books, so many, so heavy and so high to climb…the sacrifices and the occasions lost like a broken vase…the dice thrown hoping for good luck, the hour-glass to measure time…a time reflected in my imagination, in the image I have of a student, intense in thought…of a time which only remains with me now as a magnificent memory.